Versatile Blogger Award

I was so excited when I opened my email this morning. I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award! My blogger friend Linda Holt over at New Light Redesign nominated me for this award which means a lot coming from her because I love her ideas and her love of anything design like me. We have found we are so much alike that we must be lost sisters!

Here’s how it works on my part:1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you2. Share 7 things about yourself3. Send the award along to 7 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!

So now it’s my turn to share seven things about me that you probably don’t know. (this is harder than you think!)#1  I love painting. Anything. Everything.#2  My best friends in the world are my friends that make me laugh.


#3  I buy way too many lamps. Can’t help myself- there are so many pretty ones out there!#4  I love naps!

#5  I love spending time in New Hampshire.

#6  I love to party. Well, I do!#7  95% of my time is spent thinking about a blog, reading a blog, writing a blog, researching a blog, dreaming about a blog, looking for pictures for my blog, worrying about my blog, blog, blog, blog! Good thing I still love it!Now the fun part. I get to pass the Versatile blogger award along to 7 other bloggers that I look forward to reading and I know you will too!

Connie Nikiforoff Designs

The Decorologist


Maria Killam

Centsational Girl

Made By Girl

Bossy Color Blog

I hope you enjoyed learning a little something about me. Thank you again Linda!

Until next time!

If you need help selecting colors or redesigning your space, contact me today!