Return of the Pumpkin People 2012

 They’re back! On October 1, 2012 the Jackson Area of New Hampshire was busy checking in the Return of the Pumpkin People. These quirky, unique and often down right hilarious Pumpkin People show up year after year sticking around until October 21st.pumpkinpeople 328pumpkinpeople 370Really cute! Look how all the little faces were painted:pumpkinpeople 371pumpkinpeople 372pumpkinpeople 373Last year they won first place for this display:pumpkin people 017pumpkin people 019

Snowflake Inn

There is a map provided with a list of all the displays to visit and vote for your favorite. It is a self-guided tour enjoyed at any time you decide to go. You will be visiting some of New Hampshire’s best restaurants, lodging properties, services, stores and more.pumpkinpeople 377pumpkinpeople 378pumpkinpeople 380pumpkinpeople 381Columbus Day weekend is a big draw for visitors in the Mount Washington Valley because of the beautiful foliage. The Pumpkin People is just one of many activities for locals and tourists to enjoy. I have so much fun finding them and taking pictures! My husband thinks I am nuts but still drives me all around!pumpkinpeople 392pumpkinpeople 393pumpkinpeople 395The artwork on some of the faces are amazing. A lot of work goes into making the scenes. This was my favorite:pumpkinpeople 386pumpkinpeople 387pumpkinpeople 388Such detail. Look at the horse’s faces:pumpkinpeople 389Amazing! Didn't they do such a great job?pumpkinpeople 385pumpkinpeople 398(kind of creepy!)pumpkinpeople 400pumpkinpeople 469(little creepy too!)pumpkinpeople 404pumpkinpeople 471Look at our sky last night:pumpkinpeople 450We were above the clouds Saturday morning:pumpkinpeople 319Then the sun came out:pumpkinpeople 411I hope you enjoyed the Pumpkin People of 2012! Maybe you have found inspiration for your Halloween display! Have you ever been to New Hampshire? It is so beautiful there, all seasons, all of the time.If you need help decorating your home, contact me today.