Dirty vs. Clean Color
I recently worked on a color consultation that shows a very good example of the color theory ‘Clean vs. Dirty’.Rebecca was looking for help with paint color for her living room. She and her husband had tried different reds, blues and greens but they just were not working. Below, can you see the beige-gold color on the wall next to the white wainscoting?:
The wall color is actually Ben Moore Hawthorne Yellow HC-4! Hawthorne Yellow by itself is a clean color but when compared next to the white, it looks muddy/dirty. The white wainscoting looks very clean and bright, especially next to the yellow. The yellow is muted and is considered a ‘dirty’ color comparing the two together. Clean vs. Dirty.
There is a lot of fresh, white and newly painted wainscoting and trim in the room, including the ceiling. Rebecca of course did not want to repaint it all over again but would if necessary. So what would you suggest to her?
I told her that I would definitely keep the white in the room. It looks very clean and updated. Next, find a color for the walls that will work with the wainscoting. Fortunately, Rebecca has a beautiful multi-color Heriz rug in the room:
A beautiful inspiration piece to start looking for colors! Because of it’s brightness in color, it will work well with the white wainscoting. I suggested that we find a gray or a blue-ish gray color (because blue is a great neutral) that will ‘match up’ the closest with the color in the rug. My first suggestions to try were:
Adagio 1593
Slate Blue 1648 and
Stratton Blue HC-142
These blues are all fresh ‘clean’ blues. Do you see how the undertone in the blue is bright and not a muddy color? I started with medium blue hues which I think is a very modern, clean color that works well with so many other colors including the white wainscoting. Are there other colors that might also work? Of course, but Rebecca loves the blue!
Stayed tuned to see which paint color Rebecca chooses to paint her living room. Will it be one of Kelly’s suggestions? Or will she and her husband find another great color they love? What would be your suggestion?
If you need help selecting paint colors for your home or business, contact me today.