On To Drake Bay, Costa Rica

san jose planeWhy was I hanging on for dear life during the plane ride to Drake Bay? This was our aircraft:drake aircraftI call it a puddle jumper. Very small and noisy. Not my favorite form of transportation, but the only way to get to where we were going to the coast. I did get some great pictures from the window!:roofsAll roofs are metal in Costa Rica because of the rainy season.plane1I find it hard to believe Costa Rica is only the size of West Virginia. Seems so vast to me.plane2Then miles and miles of beautiful coastline:coastcoast2coast3Gorgeous colors. Finally, (really only 45 minutes) we land! Baggage check out is easy.arrive!:Funny story- When we first arrived, I was so excited to take pictures. Someone said, “Look at the red parrots up in the tree!” So I start shooting away. Well, I should have worn my glasses because look what I took a picture of:redhaha No parrots to be found. Our next mode of transportation was a boat ride down the river:river rideIt was a lot of fun and we saw some great wildlife:river ride2river ride3river ride4river ride5Can you see the macaw up in the tree? We saw a lot at the resort. They are SO loud you can hear them coming. They always travel in twos.river ride6These guys were hard to take pictures of. In Costa Rica, there are three types of monkeys. Howler monkeys, squirrel moneys and the white faced monkeys. These are squirrel monkeys. I will have plenty of stories about the monkeys later.river ride7Then the river turned into the ocean:beachIsn’t the water color so pretty? Such a beautiful turquoise color.After an hour boat ride down the river, we arrived at our resort, Copa De Arbol.copa2See the tree house over on the left front? That was our tree house for the week!I am going to have to pick this up tomorrow. Getting late and I have used so many pictures! Thanks for joining me on my excellent vacation adventure!