Navy Blue and Tan Living Room

tanand blue room


I know it is not a new color combination, but I think it is such a classic and beautiful look:tanblue


Do you agree? I am crazy about navy so I might be a little more inclined to be in love with it.tan and blue room


If you wanted to plan a tan and blue living room, I would start with a tan sofa:tansofa3Find a fabulous rug with navy and tan:tanandbluerugAnd then bring in some great accessories and art:blue artAnd here is a beautiful design plan for your new tan and navy living room:Tan and Navy Living RoomWhat do you think? Do you like the combination of navy and tan?Looking for a fresh, new look for your home?  I am now offering a new online design service that is more affordable for everyone. No need to sacrifice style and looks when you can now get a great new design plan at a great new price!  Read more here.Sofa- sourceRug- sourceLamps –sourceArtwork- source