Front Door Color
Have you been looking for that perfect color to paint your front door? I want to show you another beautiful color option. I recently helped one of my long time clients online with choosing a front door color for her home:After looking through her photos she sent me and determining which colors will work best with her exterior stone:
I suggested two colors that I thought would look great. I sent her out to get samples to try with her exterior. She wrote back and said that she loved them both! I thought they both looked so gorgeous and I too would have a hard time selecting only one. She did pick a winner which I will share with you soon when the painter is done and the project is finished.But look how beautiful the loser color is:
Sherwin Williams 6951 Cote D’Azur
Here are her samples of the Cote D’Azur:Isn’t it gorgeous? It is a beautiful turquoise color. Not too light nor too dark. What do you think readers? Would you consider this color for your front door? Wait until you see how pretty the winner color is!Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy this beautiful weather!!I am linking to the blog Serenity Now this weekend. Check out all of the great ideas people are sharing!If you need help finding the perfect paint color, contact me today.