Lovely Coventry Gray



I have a new favorite paint color and the name is Benjamin Moore Coventry Gray HC- 169. This beautiful soft gray with blue undertones just seems to work perfectly in so many different spaces:coventry1


bm coventry gray1


A few months ago, I helped my daughter choose paint colors for her bedroom and we ended up with Coventry Gray because it was so pretty and perfect:meg6It works well in the bedroom:coventry2


A beautiful color for an office:coventry3


The bath:coventry6


And gorgeous for a dining room color:coventry4


Coventry Gray is one of the few colors that works as well with stained wood as white woodwork:coventry5


So have I convinced you what a beautiful color Coventry Gray is? Be sure to take a look at this color next time you are looking for the perfect wall color in your home.If you need help selecting paint colors for your home, contact me today.