Agree Or Disagree?



This week I visited a local home for a Resale-Ready®consultation appointment. I have to say that I was shocked to see wallpaper borders throughout the home:dated1


I went to the home with the realtor and I wondered out loud why the border had not been taken down and the walls freshly painted. He told me that the sellers did not want to go through the extra work and that the buyers can change it if they choose to. ( And I should mention that this home has been on the market for quite awhile):



AND the realtor AGREED with the seller that it looked nice and isn’t wallpaper coming back in style?! My first thought, “ I thought you wanted to sell this home.”Agree or disagree? Does anyone disagree with me that wallpaper borders are outdated? I wish I could have taken pictures for you but these examples I have shown are on the same idea. Don’t you agree that the sellers should remove the wallpaper if they want to sell?Have a great weekend everyone!