Guest Bath At The New Condo
I am not sure how I started with the guest bath, but I am happy one room at the new condo is finished! Can you believe it took us a whole week to move? So much work. Moving is not fun.
Now I am finally getting around to the fun decorating part! I found this shower curtain and the whole color scheme was made:
One quick trip to Home Goods and I found everything I needed. I found great bath accessories there this time. That does not always happen when you are looking for something in particular.We are renting this condo for the time being. I am not going to change any of the existing furnishings, you just have to learn to work with it.
I hope the other rooms pull together just as quick and easily! I am enjoying laying everything out to see what I have to work with. Love finding uses for accessories, tables and chairs in other rooms! Here is the plan for the master bath:
Look at this hawk I took a picture of out of the window last week:
Very cool!