Another Option For Kitchen Cabinets

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Like many homeowners, painting Holly’s kitchen cabinets are not an option at this time:holly kitchenShe is not crazy about the look of her wood cabinet fronts, but her husband will not even consider painting. So I came up with an idea that she loved:glass cabs4


What if you took off a few of the doors and had glass inserts put in?:cabinet doros


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I would leave the bottom cabinets as is and either choose a few ‘focal’ cabinets have glass inserts put in:glass cabinets2


Or another idea is that she could do all the top cabinets in glass. Or, some in glass and some open shelving:glass cabs2


I suggested she call her local glass shop who could help her with ideas and pricing. Another idea can be to keep the old cabinets in storage, (for your husband) and have new doors made with the glass.I think the glass cabinets are beautiful and they will bring a newer, more modern look to the kitchen.Holly’s husband has agreed to look into it with her! I will let you know how they make out.If you need help decorating your home, contact me today.