Guest Room Reveal

Finally completed! Again, installing the wallpaper is what held up the whole room. Had to wait for a rainy day for Mike to help me finish up:

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Do you remember what the room looked like before?:



And all those wall paper samples:



I love the new wallpaper:

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My beautiful new dresser: Thank you Laurie!

new dresser3.JPG

Did you see my new night stands?:

library after.JPG

I held on to those library boxes for years- I knew I would find the perfect home for them. Thanks to Laurie again!

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This is a great example of using-what-you-have to redesign a room. Most everything in the room I already owned. I just purchased a few accessories. I think it is the wallpaper that is making the room so special! Thanks everyone! Enjoy your weekend!

Kelly xo