Valuable Tip When Selecting Exterior Colors

One of the best places to begin your search when selecting an exterior paint color, is Benjamin Moore’s Historical Color Palette: historical colors


There is a reason why Benjamin Moore’s Historical Color Palette works so well for exteriors: amherst gray2

via  Amherst Gray HC-167

This palette of 174 time–honored colors are based on research completed by the US Parks Service who analyzed colors on historic buildings throughout the United States which was inspired by the colors found in 18th and 19th century architecture. Most of the colors analyzed were exterior colors, so it makes for a great standard exterior palette. They are classic, inviting hues that continue to serve us well today. danenport Tan

via Davenport Tan HC-76

copley gray

via   Copley Gray HC-104

If you look at the Historical Colors just for their value, you will notice most are a mid to deep value. templeton gray

via  Templeton Gray HC-161

Benjamin Moore's kennebunkport green HC-123

via    Kennebunkport Green HC-123

The historical colors also work because they are toned.  They have enough black, gray or oxide pigments to ground them and not be too brilliant. This is important, especially for exterior color selection, because the of the large expanse of surface and the amount of natural light, the color will naturally intensify or if too light wash out. Another excellent reference to look for exterior color is the Williamsburg Color Collection. Another great selection of tested and true colors. If you need help selecting an exterior paint color palette, contact me today.