To Paint Or Not To Paint?

DSCN1602I have been debating about this project for quite a while now. I was going to write this post to ask your opinion, “To paint or not to paint?” But I think have already answered my own question.DSCN1603As I was taking these photos of  all of the furniture details, I made up my mind that I can not paint over this piece of furniture.DSCN1600This armoire is one piece of four large pieces of bedroom furniture. It was originally my husband’s father’s father. It is still in very good condition.DSCN1598Here is another piece from this set:DSCN1590Pretty cool vanity, don’t you think? Look at the detail up close:DSCN1591I love it but I do not know what to do with it. This piece is not in the best shape: DSCN1593But it is just the top and that will be easy enough to sand and stain. Does anyone know the history of these pieces? I would love to learn more about this furniture. I was going to ask you if you thought I should paint them over in a beautiful, soft color or leave as is. But I do not think I would be able to paint over this finish and never be able to get back to the original again.So, why was I thinking of painting it over?!:Pinned Image


That is why I consider painting everything! So beautiful and cabinet


See! Now I am starting to change my mind again! When I see these pictures, I feel weak!Pinned Image


Ok, let’s take a look:Original:DSCN1602 Or painted?:      Pinned Image   What would you do?If you need help decorating your home, contact me today.