Time For New Lamps?
I would like you to take a minute and go take a peek at your living and bedroom table lamps. Are they still pretty? Are they more than 6 years old? Do you still like them??Lamps, believe or not, is one of the most dated items I find in homes when performing home design consultations. I think many people just don’t notice their lamps. They are just one of those accessories that has been laying around for years. I want to tell you that one of the quickest and easiest ways to update a room immediately, is banishing your old lamps and finding new pretty lamps. They are not so expensive anymore! I found these at Home Goods for only $ 60.00 each!:Target has great lamp selections and also Overstock, Lamps Plus and Wayfair to just to name a few. And shipping is free with most companies today when ordering online. They really do make the room perk up and give the room instant interest and personality!
blue lamp
If you are keeping your lamps out of love, I would keep them and be proud to show them off. But if you are not attached to your table lamps and have not noticed them in awhile - except for dusting around- maybe it is time to buy yourself a new pair of pretty lamps!
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