The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

My husband Mike and I moved this week from NH back to RI. After moving last December, (from RI to NH), we said that we would NEVER go through moving again. Never say never. OMG, it is so much work! I am living out of boxes right now and I don’t know if we will ever finish. That’s how I feel right now. I thought I would share some of the good, bad and ugly with you for a fun read.

The Good:

Our new house is very pretty:

 The landscaping is beautiful:


And my favorite feature of the new home:


 We have always wanted a built-in pool. Having a cabana is even better!The previous owners just remodeled the master bath. Not exactly my taste, but I do like our new fancy tub:


Can you believe it costs over $8,000.00?! I have not used it yet, but I am hoping the experience is out of this world for that price.

The Bad:

The new home is


older than our house in NH. Mike and I are calling the previous owner a hacker because everything is done half ass. Plumbing, electrical, painting, etc. etc. Good thing Mike can fix anything- because everything needs  fixed.The new $8,000.00 tub I told you about, it’s leaking .  Drip, drip, drip. Mike had to order a special, (expensive) part to see if it can be fixed.I understand we bought a home with previous owners, but I hate having to clean everything, (even after professional cleaners came in). So much work. Nasty and gross.

The Ugly:

Here is an example of ugly:


 This example is a great painting lesson. Never start painting and change the color in the middle of wall. Never. Ever. Do you think they put the swoop in because they thought it would blend in better? hahaOne of the ugly spare baths:


 BUT, the ugly can be turned into the pretty! A lot of work ahead of us, but think of all the fun I will have painting and decorating all the rooms! Has anyone else had the pleasure of moving into a new home lately? I will keep you updated on our progress. For now, I better get back to opening boxes and moving furniture:


 Have a great weekend everyone!
