Return of the Pumpkin People

One of my favorite activities in the Fall is following the local map guide and finding all the decorated ‘Pumpkin People’ in Jackson NH.

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 Eagle Mountain House

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  This fun tradition is in it’s 24th year. This year there were 48! entries of Pumpkin People to be judged.

pumpkin people 032J-Town Deli & Country Store

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 Quite a few of the entries were from favorite story books and movies:

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I know that is Snow White on the right, but who is that supposed to be on the left? hehe

pumpkin people 048Covered Bridge House

pumpkin people 029101 Dalmatians  Inn at Ellis River

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 How cute!  There were movie stars and rock stars:

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pumpkin people 062The Wentworth Country Inn

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Whitney’s Inn at Jackson

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 hahahaAnd my two favorites:

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Look at what a great job on the little details:

pumpkin people 019Snowflake Inn

And just look at the work done on this Storyland scene:

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Isn’t it amazing? Have you ever been to visit the Pumpkin People? I give their creators so much credit for their hard work and imagination. Very creative, very cool!Another of my favorite things to do:

Taking pictures at sunrise. Not quite peak yet in the valley but it is changing really fast! It is just breath-taking gorgeous!Comments? Anyone else love New Hampshire?