Restored Love


See my old hope chest? My parents gave this to me as a graduation present when I was 18 years old. A hope chest is what us girls all got as a gift around our 18th birthday so we would have a place to store what we would buy to prepare for our wedding and future household.


These advertisements sought to equate the ideal of domesticity with a Lane "Hope Chest," in which a young woman stored clothing or home furnishings in anticipation of marriage. This was summed up in the company's tag line: "The gift that starts the home."Lane advertisements reached a high point during World War II, persuading thousands of GIs leaving for overseas to purchase a Lane Hope Chest for the sweethearts they were leaving behind. Ads combined romantic images of men in uniform and their fiancées with patriotic slogans and the well-known face of national spokeswoman, and symbol of all things American, Shirley Temple.I have used my chest all of these years to store all my cherished items: wedding mementos, all my children’s special items and many other important memories. I still love my chest but knew it was past time for a makeover:


This is the fabric I found earlier this month that I loved:


Of course I wanted to use Annie Sloan Chalk Paint- it makes the project so much easier! I choose the color Old White. No prep needed, I just unscrewed the top:


Here it is after the first painted coat:


I wanted to keep the antique brass hardware not only because of the cost, but I thought they looked good together with both the fabric and the off white paint:



All finished painting:




So pretty! What a difference!Here are some of my special loves in my hope chest:My son’s blankie that my mom made for him:


My daughter (who is getting married!) holding my wedding veil:


Awwww.. Here is a picture of my Christening hat:


Do you have a Hope Chest? What do you keep special in yours?


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