Redecorating and Rearranging
Do you like to play with your arrangements and move your stuff around, for no obvious reason except that it is fun? Me too! Like this little corner today:It looked fine and the plant filled the corner nicely. But I was never a fan of this plant because it has prickly leaves that are sharp! Not very good Feng Shui by the doorway. So I moved the plant out and looked around for other ideas to fill the space:
See the wall to the left of the door? Have you ever seen so many light switches?? I can not hang something right over them because they are used. So I try to hide them the best I can:
I like the bookshelf but not crazy about the whole look. Then I remembered my blog post from the other day, Creating A Cozy Corner and thought I would give that a try here:
I like it! The chair works well with the other furnishings in the room.
I am happy with how it came out. New scenery and it did not cost a thing. Plus it was fun! I also went for a drive today and look who is back in town:
The Pumpkin People! It is a yearly Fall event in Jackson, NH where local businesses compete for first place for the best display of a Pumpkin People scene. I love going to all the different ones and taking pictures. Good inspiration if you are looking for ideas:
I think this was my favorite:
So very talented! Bales of hay and pumpkins:
I hope you are enjoying the weekend everyone!