Pink Is A Big Girl’s Color!
Remember a little while back when I wrote about finding a new color for my office here? I loved all the office photos from Pinterest that show the rooms in pretty light blues and greens. I decided Ben Moore Palladian Blue was my color choice until someone from California paints contacted me and asked if I would like to do a color project together!
I love their Timeless Trends 2012-2013 color collection which I wrote about here:
Reminisce Coastline
Pop Tech PheonixMeanwhile, my friend Andrea Anthony Brooks had her home showcased in At Home in Arkansas and I just fell in love with it!:
Isn’t it beautiful?? Her rooms helped me break out of my box with all the blues in my home and I decided to work with the California Paints Pop Tech palette which includes a beautiful pink Art Deco:
And my accent color will be a deep Spanish blue (of course I have to have a blue!) called Jazz Age:
Thank you Andrea for your inspiration and helping me think out of my blue box. I love all of your color choices and how you brought your traditional décor into the mix to make it a colorful, inviting home with lots of depth and character! Just gorgeous my friend!!This weekend I am going to follow my own advice and paint a poster board in the color Art Deco to see how it will look in my new office. I will let you know how I make out!Have you thought of using pink in any of your rooms? Don’t you just love Andrea’s home?!If you need help choosing colors for your home contact me today.Similar Topic You Might Enjoy:Using the 60 – 30 –10 Color RuleCreative Bedroom AccessoryAnother Color Option For Pinky-BeigeMirror Art