Photos To Share!

[pinterest]Kelly Bernier 5 14 bedroom 4

Kelly Bernier Designs

I am happy to announce that I now have professional photographs of my work!Kelly Bernier 5 14 detail 3

Kelly Bernier Designs

Kelly Bernier 5 14 vignette 7

Kelly Bernier Designs

Thanks to the talented Eric Roth, who visited here and took gorgeous photographs:Kelly Bernier 5 14 detail 1

Kelly Bernier Designs

Kelly Bernier 5 14 flowers 4I am beyond thrilled to be able to show my work so beautifully:Kelly Bernier 5 14 vignette 4

Kelly Bernier Designs

I could not wait to share with you all!Kelly Bernier 5 14 portrait 1The overall goal now of course is to be booked up with even more color and design appointments, doing what I love best!Kelly Bernier 5 14 kitchen

Kelly Bernier Designs

What do you think my friends? Didn’t Eric do a great job?If you need help with color or decorating your home, contact me today.