Peer Pressure


Looking through this month’s Elle Décor, I could not help but notice how many advertisements for sectional sofas there were. So many that I had to count them.143974519306984593_IubfmnKf_c[1]


I quit counting at page 48 and there was a total of 8 ads. That is quite a few! I remember when my husband and I bought our first home and we used to go to the furniture store every Friday and each put $10.00 down for layaway on a new modern raisin-colored sectional. That was a little while ago.


Then the sofa and loveseat combo became popular and the sectional was a trend of the past. But now it looks as if the manufacture’s are getting together and pushing out the sectional for us consumers to run out and buy.283023157803442744_vxAmOuR6_c[1]


Once again, something new for us consumers to hurry and purchase because it is fresh and in style (so says the manufacturer's!) I admit that sometimes I am also swayed by popular trends. By peer pressure.102738435218880224_JneE5ReD_c[1]


Remember my office I painted a soft, watery blue? The robin-egg color blue that everyone loves?imageWell, trying to be a good blogger and designer, I felt peer pressure to pick a color for my office that everybody loves and wants for their own home!Pinned Image


But guess what? Just because I wrote here about loving the color so much, now that it is painted, I am not really crazy for it. I’m just not feeling it. (No, I have not told my husband yet!) :) I wish I had just picked a color I love, not what everyone else might think.Another example today, the new Benjamin Moore color for 2013 was introduced:Benjamin Moore names yellow the color of 2013Lemon Sorbet 2019-60. My first thoughts are that I am not really loving this yellow. Too bright I think. But I am reading all around blog land that everyone seems to love it!2013 color of the year lemon sorbetBut let’s see if I change my mind in a couple months after seeing it everywhere. Will my own thoughts be changed by the peer pressure of everyone else loving it?  Have you ever made a purchase decision that was more about what everyone else loves rather that your own true feelings?If you need help selecting colors for your home, contact me today.