Items To Stow Away For An Open House



When your home is on the market and you are getting ready for potential buyers through either an Open House or for scheduled appointments, it’s important to make your house look it’s absolute best. There are times when you may just have one good window of opportunity for prospective buyers to visit and want to buy your home. Think of updating your home for an Open House or appointment as an investment- and work that investment to the max.


There are a variety of items that you probably already know that are not a “welcome” sight to potential buyers. Most are common sense, but there are a few surprising items that you may not of thought of:# 1-  Too many plants. Generally, one or two houseplants are fine, but no potential buyer wants to see a jungle of oversized, overgrown plants in a room. 


# 2-  Pet Items- I love animals, I have a dog. But possible buyers do not want to see dog chew bones and fluffy beds in their potential living room. Please make the extra effort and put all pet items hidden away.# 3-  Cold, empty fireplaces. Wouldn’t it look so inviting to stack some firewood and fill the fireplace, ready to light for a roaring fire? Help people visualize. It is a great selling feature- make it look grand!# 4-  Outdated window treatments. They make such an impact in the room. A good rule of thumb for resale- if they are older than 3 years old, time for them to be taken down. You can read more about outdated window treatments here.# 5-  Personal items, especially in the powder rooms, should be put away. I have seen used razors, dirty tissues and sad hair brushes. Buyers notice these things and can be turned off from the sale.checkerboard black white tile shower bathroom Phoenix Arizona home house for sale photo


# 6- Another common sense fact: please put down the seat in the bathroom.# 7- When visiting your home, potential buyers will look in every closet if they are truly interested in buying the house. Take a peek into your closet. Does it look stuffed and untidy? Buyers are looking for big open closet space.


# 8- Accessories and knickknacks. Remember you are trying to sell your house. Buyers get hung up on little visual objects. And this includes art.creepy green ugly baby possessed spooky picture painting bedroom Phoenix Arizona home house# 9-  Wall clutter. Your style might be different than the buyers. A wall gallery of your photos and artwork might not appeal to everyone.bbca50021530f8bb4115c16518c3c45e[1]


# 10-  Smell. One of the first things noticed when you walk in. It is a big turn off for people. And do not burn candles right before buyers come because it is too obvious and looks like you are trying to cover something up. Instead, invest in a scented wall plug near the door.As I have stated before, you have to remember your good taste might not be someone else’s good taste. Treat it as an asset that needs to be sold as an investment today. Can you think of other items that should be stowed when showing your home?If you need help getting your home ready for sale, contact me today.