Helpful Tricks Using Maria’s Color Boards

revere pewterWhen I first received my large color boards from Maria a few years ago, I really did not do much with them at first. I remember I did not want to damage the boards or get them dirty. The only time I would pull them out was when I was working with a client selecting a paint color.One day I decided to take them out and play and I discovered a couple tricks I used to teach myself the paint colors better:wickham grayI separated the boards into color groups, such as all the pink undertone beiges together, yellow beiges and the green undertone beige samples together. I put all my blue/green turquoise colors together:blue greensAnd all of the similar undertones of gray together. I even separated the whites by undertone:whitesThen I had an idea to write the name of the undertone on the back of each color board. Like a little cheat sheet:man tanman tan 2pure whiteblue whiteNo more guessing and checking my lists to see what the undertone was. Writing on the back and grouping the related colors together helped me learn the colors and undertones quickly. Gave me confidence with clients and with myself! Give it a try and see how quickly you will learn colors and their undertones.My boards now look well used and not all pretty and new anymore. But now I know, that is a good thing!Have a great weekend everyone!