Helpful Tip For Orchids
Did you know that when orchids stop blooming and enter a dormant state, many orchid owners make the mistake of thinking their orchid has died and throw the plant away? I admit that I am one that has been throwing them out for years thinking they were dead and done! My plant smart sister–in-law taught me that unlike many common houseplants that remain green and healthy-looking year round, orchids are more like the perennial flowers and bulbs in your outdoor garden. Just like other flowering plants, orchids must rest and replenish their energy between bloom periods. Producing flowers consumes tremendous energy, depleting the resources the plant uses to produce healthy new growth. The large, showy flowers your orchid produces and maintains week after week when your orchid is in full bloom eventually drain the plant of energy. When this occurs, the flowers will fade and fall off the stem. So I took her advice and instead of throwing my plant out this time, I watered once a week as usual and let it go. And look what I found yesterday!:
Can’t believe it. It has only been about 3 months and is already blooming again! So don’t be tossing your orchids out after blooming. It is not dead! Here is the proof they will bloom again:
So pretty and three other buds ready to open! I just love flowers, don’t you? Have a great weekend everyone!