Helpful Camera Tip


Another reason I love summer is because I am able to find time to do those things I enjoy most. Such as taking photography


I picked up a tip in class this week that I never knew and thought I would share with you because it is smart and useful.You know how you usually delete your photos on your camera with the little ‘delete’ trash can button? It asks if you want to delete this photo or all photos?Delete-button


Well, that is how I have always deleted my photos from my memory card. But I found out in class, that every time you delete your images this way, it is corrupting and damaging your memory card and will eventually render your card useless.The correct way to delete your photos that will not damage your card is to go to your camera’s menu, then setup and then choose Format Card. It will ask if you want all images deleted, select yes/ format.formatformat2


Formatting permanently deletes all the data on the memory card. The deleted files can not be recovered so be sure to transfer important pictures to your computer!I hope you have learned a little something new about your camera. Another photography tip I have found so helpful is to find, or order online, a User Manual for your camera. I have been reading page by page while playing with my camera and I have learned so much.Hope you are all having a wonderful summer! Be sure to take time to do those things you love. Time goes by too fast.