Finishing Touches On Bath Update
Did you all have a nice long Holiday weekend? Any projects completed? I finished up in my master bath with all the fun details and accessories:Remember that little brown table in the room?:
Well I had fun painting it with Chalk Paint® . I do not think I will ever go through all the work again, with only so-so results by using regular paint to paint furniture. Chalk Paint® is so easy and the finish is suburb.Before:
After painting with three coats of Pure White and two coats of Provence on the drawers. Then a coat of clear wax and that’s it!:
No priming or sanding involved when using chalk paint. I did have to refresh myself back to my post on instructions here, using the Chalk Paint® . After you paint, (letting dry approximately one hour between coats) you then apply the wax. I used the clear wax for this project. Then after waiting 24 hours to dry, I polished and buffed for a beautiful finish:
I really love how it came out! (except for the crooked toilet paper photobomb)I knew the room was going to be a challenge because of the existing tub and tile that could not be changed at this time. By painting the walls a color that worked with the tub and then adding splashes of a bold, modern color, (turquoise), the room has a more updated and beautiful look:
I think it came out so well it should be named ‘Bath Of The Month’. What do you think House Beautiful Magazine? :)
Don’t give up hope on those existing items you can not change. Work with them and it will all work out beautifully.I even changed the knobs from Target, for only $40.00 total. I love the way they change color in the light. Before:
After with new hardware:
If you need help updating your bath, contact me today!