Decorating a Console Table for Fall

console before

console before

console fall

console fall

console fall2

console fall2



console after

console after

console flowers

console flowers

console closeup

console closeup

console shoes

console shoes

console lanterns

console lanterns

console keep

console keep

Do you have any of those tables you walk by everyday but hardly notice? I do. This is what my console table has looked like since June:Kind of sad to admit but I just let it go for the summer.  I am glad I felt like making something pretty yesterday and put in the effort.  It looks so much better! I actually made it up two ways to see which I liked best. One with colorful faux branches:And then I tried using the last of the summer flowers in the yard:I love making little vignettes using items that mean something to me:These little shoes used to be my mother-in-laws. They are little ashtrays! I love my Chinese Lanterns:I think now for the early Fall I will use the live flowers for as long as they last. Fun to play decorating!Have you started any Autumn decorating yet?Have a great weekend everyone!Kelly xo