Color Ideas For After Holiday Blues



Do you feel your space is a little boring and blue since you took down all of your Christmas decorations?44262008807643182_luljyZ3B_c[1]


I finally got to taking down the tree and all the trimmings this week. Things have seemed just been a little off, since my mother in law passed away the other day. While looking at my (now) empty and decoration-less room, I thought of her and how much she loved flowers. Using that as inspiration and knowing how they used to make her smile, I decided to purchase a $10 bouquet to help cheer up the room.169096160979481290_BJsJVI23_c[1]


Flowers make any room instantly happier, don’t you agree?283726845245230879_Y25vEzkf_c[1]


Another simple, inexpensive way to bring more life to any room is fresh new pillows:272116002454538709_cGfeI4Dq_c[1]


How about bringing in the color of the year?Throw pillow cover emerald green and ivory 18" x 18"


Look how pretty these pillows are from Target:Mard Toss Pillow Collection A trend I love that is becoming popular and is another inexpensive way to bring in color is painting interior doors:




Aren’t they beautiful!? I always suggest using a gloss finish paint, not matte, and to be sure to test a sample of the paint color before committing to the whole door.92746073545691957_sWpZQ7p0_c[1]


I think painting an interior door will bring instant personality and color to any boring and gloomy space! Another project I have to try!92323861081226875_ITaI6KmL_c[1]


Does anyone have other ideas to share that will bring some color indoors now?Thanks for stopping by. Have a great weekend my friends!  KellyIf you need help bringing color into your home, contact me today.