Book Shelf Styling
Happy Labor Day!My living room book shelves have been decorated the same way now for about two years:I liked the way it looked, so I did not pay much attention to it. (Actually, it seemed to be too much of a project so I ignored them!) haha (Sound familiar?)Well, this weekend I decided to restyle my bookshelves and this is how they came out:Beautiful! I love the way they look. This time when decorating, I tried using a few decorating tips I have picked up along the way:# 1- First remove everything off the shelves. Yes, everything. This is my rule and it really makes a difference to start fresh.# 2- Look at your shelves and think of it as a grid. Can you see how I broke my shelves into a grid of nine?:Three across and three up and down on each shelf. Then I decorated each section of the grid separately in little vignettes.# 3- Use the same idea in multiple spots. For example, see how I used three horizontal stacks of books throughout the grid?: I also repeated the vertical book stacks three times on three different shelves. Good Tip To Remember- Try not to place the same ideas right next to each other or right above/below each other.# 4- Think pretty! Add objects that mean something special to you to make it visually interesting.I think they look wonderful! I smile every time I walk by. Love that, don’t you? Do you have any bookshelves that can use a face-lift? Try using these decorating tips to help you style your shelves. I would love to see your before and after photos!One more quick tip- when taking photos, be sure to check your background first. Here I thought I had taken such a great picture with the sun coming in just right:Photo-bombed by a duster! hahaEnjoy your weekend everyone!