Benjamin Moore Color Seminar

Last week I attended the first ever, Ben Moore Color Consultant Workshop. It was an information packed, full day seminar:classThe teachers, Fran Ducharme and Marion Beaulieu, were very knowledgeable and entertaining, in both color and product. Plus, I love just talking to other attendees for ideas and information.Here are just a few points I thought were fun and interesting:* Out of all of the thousands of paint colors out there, there are actually only three colors, the three primaries, red, yellow and blue, that make up all colors. red, yellow, blue


“There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes;  its what we do with them that's important.”

- Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur & author

* Today’s high-end, luxury design is the monochromatic color scheme which is using one color in a room with different values of the same color:blue-elle-lr-monochromatic-living-room


* Every color has a warm and also a cool side.eight-combinations-warm-cool-hues-color-wheels-color-scheme-game-082512-web


* The elderly begin to see a yellow tint through their eyes as they age.elderly eyes


* When wearing an outfit in blue, it makes you appear in authority and knowledgeable.woman in blue


* Color names change according to trends. For example, first we had Avocado, then Fernwood, then Sage and now the trend green is called color


I hope you enjoyed. I have lots more to share another day!I wish you all a very Happy Mother’s Day!happy-mothers-day_t1
