Bedroom Redesign Inspired by Art



Isn’t this artwork beautiful? A perfect way to start a color scheme in a room. Here is the other piece of the set:frameimage


I am helping an online client with her bedroom and I thought these prints would be a gorgeous inspiration. We talked about paint colors also and since I have been obsessing over this bedroom photo:bedroom love!


I suggested she leave her white walls as is and just paint the ceiling in this Ben Moore Porcelain Glaze CSP-550:porcelain

Paint Color- Benjamin Moore Porcelain Glaze CSP-550

That would look beautiful don’t you think? I recommended all white bedding with these blue shams and a duvet folded on the end of bed (in water):duvet


And here is our design board:bedroom redesignJust lovely! What do you think of painting the ceiling of the bedroom instead of the walls in the blue?My client does not mind that I share these pictures with you, but asked that I not give out all of our resources. Thanks for understanding!If you would like a custom online design plan recommended for your home, contact me today!