Art In Bloom

[pinterest]artThis past weekend I enjoyed a walking tour of Jackson, NH to see how individual gardeners put together their floral interpretations of art:art8art2It is held by the Mountain Garden Club and this year marked their 10th anniversary of the walking tour,which is their annual gift to the valley. Art In Bloom is a walking tour of eight sites in Jackson where pieces of art are interpreted through member crafted floral arrangements:art4They are all so unique. I loved this simple display:art5This above was named ‘Garden Party’. She even painted the picture!Many different and unique ideas were used as art:art3This display had a nice story how this picture was her first art work purchased at nine years old:art6A sign I saw on my walk I thought was cute:beart7This is beautiful:art9If you are wondering like I was, why the artist did not use poppies like in the artwork, here was the answer:art10Funny!art11I was telling everyone that I was glad we did not have to vote for a favorite! Too many that I really liked:art12I really loved the simple displays.art13This piece was really great:art16Don’t you think they did a wonderful job?art14A fairy garden!:art15Loved this one! I met the artist and she said that everything here was made from items she found in her yard and garden.I want one of these birdhouses:art17They sell these handmade birdhouses locally. Look at the details:birdhousebird2birdAmazing! So talented.This was really cute:art18I know I said that I did not have a favorite BUT… (maybe):art19art20art21Totally awesome. The photographer was there and told me he walked by an alleyway in Venice and saw these three women sitting there. He asked permission to take the photo. I love it, it is so interesting to me.If you want to see more exhibits, or visit last year’s Art In Bloom, please visit hope you enjoyed! Do you have a favorite?