Another Reason I Love My Large Color Boards
My 11” X 14” painted, sample color boards are an invaluable color tool for me and my business. Not only for myself to see the colors and undertones well, but also for showing the large samples to a client so they can see right there, right then that you are choosing the perfect colors for them. This weekend I had a color consult that the client requested a color palette of three colors that would flow together well on the first floor of their home.Without my large samples, I would be showing the client this:Instead of this:
So much easier to see how well the colors will work together on the larger boards! Another example:
One more example:
This was two of the larger sample boards, Coventry Gray & Stonington Gray, put together to find a third color that will work well with color flow.Do you see how much easier it is with the larger samples? I think I would have been an average color consultant without my large samples. But with the large, painted color boards, I feel confident like a color superstar!I can not say enough good things about the boards if you are serious about selecting the right paint colors as well as finding the right color flow. If you are interested in learning more about the color boards, read here.