Agree or Disagree?

agreeI have been receiving quite a few letters wondering why I have not written my “Agree or Disagree?” posts lately. I thought I would explain to everyone why I decided not to write anymore.agree1I had originally thought I would post pictures and point out items that could be used as a teaching technique. I did not know any of the owner’s of the photos, I just choose the photos randomly.resale-readyWell, I received a letter written by a reader that stated that more or less that I was not being kind and was sounding like a bully. That comment really bothered me. I know it probably should not, but it does.dated1Then I started second guessing what I was writing and worried that I was offending someone. So I decided to stop writing “Agree or Disagree’ all together. And that is my story. I apologize if I have upset anyone, that certainly was not my intention.Agree or Disagree?