A Color Scheme

nature photos

Olga Oslina

“A color scheme can come from anywhere. Forget fanning through hundreds of color chips on a paint wand, wondering do I like this or that?“ It is confusing and much too analytical. Instead, look at the ocean or a grove of trees. I have started with a chip of cerulean blue paint from the hallway of the Quisisana hotel in Capri, a fragment of silk from Thailand, a scrap of paper found on a street in NY. It will always be something that sets off a strong emotional reaction, something that pulls me in. Absorb everything in your environment. Put yourself in places that open up your senses. Creativity comes from a place deep inside you. Follow your instincts, and you will find what you need.”

Vicente Wolf , Learning to See: Bringing the World Around You Into Your Home

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Are you feeling any inspiration?Pinned Image


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Trey Ratcliff

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Tony Armstrong

nicholas T

Nicholas T

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I think Vincent Wolf’s quote is so accurate and true. Find the colors that set off an emotional response in yourself. Those are the colors you will love in your life and home.Do you agree ?If you need help choosing colors for your home, contact me today.