#1 Decorating Tip for Home Sellers

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When looking online and in newspapers at home listings, have you ever noticed the number of homes that still have outdated window treatments?before after real estate remodeling renovation photos den Phoenix Arizona home house


If you are serious about selling your home, be sure to take a look at your windows. If you do not have custom-made window treatments that are less than eight years old, it is time to take them down.


Even though it's difficult to separate your emotions, try to remember that when you are selling your home, it needs to be as neutral as possible. Since each person's home style is so different, try to make your home a 'blank canvas' so a potential buyer can really see themselves in your home. You have to remember your good taste might not be someone else’s good taste.1990s home décor interior design Phoenix homes Design Through the Decades



What are “outdated window treatments”? I am not referring to privacy blinds, but those swags and panels you have covering your windows that have been there since the 1990’s. And those panels that do not come all the way to the floor? They need to be taken down.


I cannot tell you how many times on a staging consultation that I walked up to the windows and pulled back the curtains in a home and the client says “Ohhhh..” The light that fills the room immediately makes such a great change and feel in the room. Best of all, it is free!Pinned Image


By removing your curtains, the room will instantly be lighter and brighter which will make the room appear larger. Which home do you think a potential home buyer will fall in love with? A dark, deary home or a brightly lit space? The sunshine will win every time.Open Your Windows To Paint


So take down those curtains and let the beautiful outdoors shine through! Not only will potential buyers be impressed, but you might love the look yourself!Comments?If you need decorating advice in your home, contact me today.