Layering With Rugs

You already know that another great way to bring in color and texture in a room is through the use of area rugs. Now that we are headed into the colder part of the year and want to cozy up our homes, now is a good time  to layer another smaller, different textured rug over your existing rug:rug over2


rug over rug


rug over carpet


Neutral or natural fiber rugs and carpeting, such as jute or sisal, make a great backdrop to all types of prints and patterns, helping to take some of the guesswork out of the layering process!rug over rug2


rug layered


rug layered2


I also love the look of layered rugs over wall to wall carpeting with a low-profile berber or woven rug:rug bedroom


rug over wall to wall


rug nursary


A colorful area rug brings in color, texture and interest to the room! So much lovelier and unique than a plain one-color carpet:rug over carpet2


Your layered rugs don’t need to be the same shape or perfectly lay on top of one another.  Feel free to turn one diagonally or let it spill over:rug layered to side


rug beige


rug pottery barn


I think it is a great way to get the area rug you love at a much lower price since you will not need such a large size piece.Also, you do not need to worry about design rules like placing legs of sofa on the top layered rug because no rules apply!rug over sisal


Don’t you agree it is an easy and beautiful way to bring warmth and color into your home? Try it in your living room or bedroom and I think you will be so pleased with the look. Remember- no rules to follow - lay down at will!